Hanga Tiana Hanga Roera Weight Loss Device Mirimiri Rf Vacuum Cavitation Machine
Ingoa Hua | Vela Body Shape Vacuum RF Roller Anti Cellulite Machine | |
Mata | 10.4 Inihi Mata Pa | |
Rev o Roera | 0-36rpm | |
Auautanga RF | 1MHz | |
Aratau Mahi | Puhi | |
Te Whanuitanga Puhi | 0.5s-0.75s | |
Te maha o nga ringaringa | 4 | |
Te Mana Taiaho | Mōrahi 20W | |
Aratau Mahi Mo Roera |
| |
Te Mana Whakataunga Whakauru | 750VA | |
RF Pūngao kiato Max | 60J/cm2 | |
Te roangaru Taiaho | 635nm | |
Rahi Tarapi | 110cm*75cm*65cm |

Hua Painga
1.Ko te ahua ahurei, ko te kounga teitei ka taea te whakarite ahua pai mo to whare ataahua, kaukau, whare haumanu, aha atu.
2.Cavitation+Vacuum+Roller+RF+Infrared+LED 6 i roto i te 1 hangarau tino huinga.
3.10.4' mata pa tae LCD, tautuhinga mohio.Ko nga kakau e mau ana ki te mata pa tae, he maamaa ake, he maamaa ake te whakahaere i te mata paatene tawhito.
4.4 nga ringaringa rereke mo te maimoatanga tinana katoa, te whakahaere takitahi i ia kakau, he pai ake te mahi.
5.Ko te kakau RF e toru nga upoko maimoatanga rereke ka taea te whakarereke i te hiahia kia rite ki o hiahia.
6.Ka neke nga roera ki nga huarahi e wha: ki roto, ki waho, ki te taha maui, ki te taha matau, he tino pai nga hua.
7.I kawemai a Tiamana he papu korehau, he iti te haruru me te kaha kaha ake.
8.20MHZ RF mo te hiki kiri, te tango korukoru me te tino kaha.

Te ariā
Ko te hangarau Infrared RF Vacuum Roller e whakakotahi ana i te rama infrared, bi-polar radio frequency frequency and vacuum, e puta ai te whakamahana hohonu o nga pūtau ngako, o ratou kiko hono a tawhio noa me nga muka collagen dermal kei raro.Ko tenei momo whakamahana pai me te korehau e whakaohooho ana i te tipu o te collagen hou me te pai ake o te collagen me te elastin e hua ana ki te whakaheke i te waahi o te kiri kiri, te rahi o te tinana, me te whakapai ake i te hanganga kiri me te kakano.
Te whānuitanga o te maimoatanga:Te ahua o te tinana;Tango Cellulite;Whakaiti tinana;Te whakaheke porohita;Te whakakaha kiri;Whakarewa kanohi;Te tango korukoru;Kakano kiri me te oro.
1.Dust-proof & moisture-proof film, foam boards me te pouaka konumohe konumohe motuhake ka taea te pupuri i te miihini mai i te wiri me te pakaru, e tika ana mo te kawe tawhiti.
2.Ka taea e koe te utu ma te inihua nama, te paypal TT, te uniana uru, me etahi atu.
3.Door to door service, ka tae ki nga ra 3-5.
4.He nui atu i te 30000 nga kaihoko mai i nga whenua 178, he mohio matou ki te kawe waka, na reira ka taea e au te tuku atu ki a koe he utu pai ake.